I had a very productive June. 20 runs for a total of 114 miles. That’s a little less than the 145 I peaked at in May, but it is still my second best month ever.
I ran my first hill workout.
I improved my 5k pace to 8:15.
I increased my workouts to 5 per week.
I lost 5 pounds and surpassed my weight loss goal. I'm at 179 pounds, thank you very much. No more dieting, although it’s hard to call what I have been eating lately dieting. Running this much pretty much allows me to eat to my heart’s content. Now my problem is trying to figure out the best way to add more calories to my diet. Poor me ;-)
Most importantly, I had fun and stayed healthy.
July promises to be exciting as well. The month begins with the Daytona Firecracker 4 Miler in just three days and my marathon training officially begins July 19.
I briefly read you June update. I'm very proud of you. WOW, 179 you go dude. I thought in the picture of you and Tory you were thin. I think you are right about not dieting any longer. I'm happy you still pursuing the running, and I can't believe you are going to try for the marathon. I wish you lots of luck. I do hope you are running in the mornings. Its really hot out there. Today's heat index will be 103. Stay hydrated. I can't wait to hear about your next update.